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How much does it cost to work with GrantPRO?


The exact cost will depend on your specific project and needs, but here are some ballpark figures on what to expect:

•  $1,000 - $4,000 for a Funding Strategy where 150+ grants are filtered for the top 2-5+ grants worth pursuing over the next       12 months. More advanced and complex Funding Strategies can cost more.          

•  $1,000 - $12,000 per grant application depending on complexity.


GrantPRO will start with a proposal for a Funding Strategy. This important deliverable will provide you with a roadmap of grants to pursue over the next 12 months. (If you would like GrantPRO to write the grants, as well, we will amend the contract to reflect grant writing services.) GrantPRO will invoice you in one of two ways:


1. 50% fee up front and 50% due upon completion of the work, or

2. Invoice once per month based on percent of work complete.


If those fees exceed your organizations budget, consider training your staff in-house with the affordable grant writing course, Grant Writing: From Start to Funded




What is a funding strategy?

A funding strategy is a 2-3 page memo that lays out the top 2-5+ grants your organization should pursue over the next 12 months. It is the resulting deliverable from a lengthy research process whereby GrantPRO sifts through 150+ grants to identify the absolute best grants for your organization. Beginning with this process is fundamental to avoid chasing grants haphazardly and focusing on grants with low likelihood of success. A funding strategy increases win rate, aligns everyone in the organization, and eliminates unnecessary overwhelm associated with grant writing.

How does contracting work?

We do things differently around here! If you have a specific grant in mind, GrantPRO might not jump right into it! Instead, we want to be 100% positive that you are focusing on the right grants in the first place to confirm the pursuit is worth your precious time and resources.


Through the one-of-a-kind approach here at GrantPRO (as taught by Learn Grant Writing) GrantPRO will identify 150+ grants for your organization and then whittle that down to the top 20 or so worth a deeper dive. From there, we work hand-in-hand with you to contact the funder and confirm it's a good fit, if you're eligible, competitiveness, etc.


After having conversations with funders, GrantPRO will develop what we call, a Funding Strategy", whereby you know the exact 2-5+ grants you will pursue over the next 12 months.


Roadmap in hand, GrantPRO cn then help you pursue the mutually agreed upon grant applications that everyone feels confident are worth pursuing. Depending on the complexity of your proposal, GrantPRO might form a "flash team" with other certified grant writers from our Collective.


What this means is that the scope of work for your project will begin with a Funding Strategy. Once the funding strategy is complete, the contract will be updated to reflect the grants we both agree to pursue.


Why do we do this? It is near impossible to accurately scope and price services before knowing what grants you want to pursue. This gives you a simpler (and smaller) contract to get started with as we build a relationship between you and GrantPRO.


What if I can't afford to pay for a grant writing consultant?

Check out the affordable online grant writing course, Grant Writing: From Start to Funded, at Learn Grant Writing. Sign up for their free mini grant writing class here to see if learning with them is a good fit for you.

Can I pay GrantPRO from the grant?

No. It was common way back in the day to do that, but it is no longer considered an ethical use of funds (nor allowed by the funder). It is best practice to agree upon a fixed fee at the beginning of the project. This is why it is important to focus on the right grants and find a proven grant writer you enjoy working with!

New Haven, CT USA


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Expert grant writing success for the better good. Our focus is on your funding so you can focus on your passion. 



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