Carl is a member of Grant Writing Unicorns Global Grant Writers Collective.
Take the guesswork out of funding success.
Welcome to GrantPRO Partner Funding. We are a team of passionate grant writing professionals that are committed to helping organizations bring their mission to life. Our goal is to create successful partnerships that result in winning grant proposals and the necessary funds and resources for our clients.
In partnership with, Global Grant Writers Collective, GrantPRO Partner Funding provides comprehensive grant writing services, and the expertise and capacity to handle any size foundation or government grant application and support throughout the entire grant award lifecycle.
In partnership with, Global Grant Writers Collective, GrantPRO Partner Funding provides comprehensive grant writing services, and the expertise and capacity to handle any size government or foundation grant application and support throughout the entire grant award lifecycle.
Meridith Noble
Co-Founder, CEO
Alex Lustig
Co-Founder, COO
Alexendra Lustig
Co-Founder & COO
Recognized worldwide, the CFRE Certification
represents a confident, ethical fundraising professional.
Write Winning Grants
Phase 2:
Write Grants
Phase 1:
Find Grants
Grant Research
Meredith Noble
Co-Founder & CEO
With GrantPRO Partner Funding you have access to a community of expert grant writing "unicorns":
The Global Grant Writers Collective
The Collective utilizes a modern, 2-phase, step-by-step system to manage projects and write winning grants.
Phase 1: Find Grants
Phase 2: Write Grants
Grant Preparation
Grant Schedule and Kickoff
Develop Grant Budget
Write Narrative
Data Driven Writing and Editing
Submit and More
Project Planning Toolkit
Power Prospectus
Grant Research Funnel
Develop The Funding Strategy
Project Management
Write winning grants and help worthy organizations improve the lives of others.
The Collective's grant research process.
When you hire GrantPRO Funding Partners you . . .
Tap into Global Grant Writers Collective and the diverse background and knowledge of more than 600 professional grant writers who complete premium curriculum and have access to top-notch coaching and community. The collective has members from across the globe to offer their unique perspective.
Receive a roadmap for the top grants to pursue over the next 12 months
Have access to a team of grant writers that can "flash" assemble to make use of each others's expertise to bring together the most effective teams to handle heavy workloads and are best-suited for specific grant applications.
Enjoy a 5-star experience pursuing (and winning!) grants.
New Haven, CT USA
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Expert grant writing success for the better good. Our focus is on your funding so you can focus on your passion.
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